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Be wary of bogging down:Osobní stránka na adrese:

Be wary of bogging down

That’s a real tragedy.I once had a ski instructor who had taught Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time, how to ski.He explained that Jordan enjoyed his mistakes and got the most out of them.Yet despite Jordan’s example and the example of countless other successful people, it is far more common for people to allow ego to stand in the way of learning.Perhaps it’s because school learning overemphasizes the value of having the right answers and punishes wrong answers.I particularly see this problem in recent graduates from the best colleges, who frequently shy away from exploring their own weaknesses.Remember that intelligent people who are open to recognizing and learning from their weaknesses substantially outperform people with the same abilities who aren’t similarly open.Connect the dots without ego barriers.If there is a pattern of mistakes, it probably signifies a weakness.Everyone has weaknesses.The fastest path to success is to know what they are and how to deal with them so that they don’t stand in your way.Weaknesses are due to deficiencies in learning or deficiencies in abilities.Deficiencies in learning can be rectified over time, though usually not quickly, while deficiencies in abilities are virtually impossible to change.Neither is a meaningful impediment to getting what you want if you accept it as a problem that can be designed around.They are opportunities to improve.Everyone has weaknesses and can benefit from knowing about them.Don’t view explorations of weaknesses as attacks.Put your insecurities away and get on with achieving your goals.To test if you are worrying too much about looking good, observe how you feel when you find out you’ve made a mistake or don’t know something.Imagine how silly and unproductive it would be if you thought your ski instructor was blaming you when he told you that you fell because you didn’t shift your weight properly.If a criticism is accurate, it is a good thing.You should appreciate it and try to learn from it.Remember that what has happened lies in the past and no longer matters, except as a method for learning how to be better in the future.While people typically feel unhappy about blame and good about credit, that attitude gets everything backwards and can cause major problems.Worrying about blame and credit or positive and negative feedback impedes the iterative process essential to learning.Identifying who made mistakes is essential to learning.It is also a test of whether a person will put improvement ahead of ego and whether he will fit into the Bridgewater culture.This creates dysfunctional and dishonest organizations.Since individuals are the most important building blocks of any organization and since individuals are responsible for the ways things are done, the diagnosis must connect the mistake to the specific individual by name.Someone created the procedure that went wrong, or decided we should act according to that procedure, and ignoring that fact will slow our progress toward successfully dealing with the problem.It’s unhealthy to hide them because if you hide them, it will slow your progress towards successfully dealing with them.Conversely, if you don’t want them and you stare at them, you will inevitably evolve past them.You can convert the pain of seeing your mistakes and weaknesses into pleasure.If there is only one piece of advice I can get you to remember it is this one.Calm yourself down and think about what is causing your psychological pain.Find out what is true.Don’t let ego barriers stand in your way.Remember that pains that come from seeing mistakes and weaknesses are growing pains that you learn from.[51] Don’t rush through them.Stay in them and explore them because that will help build the foundation for improvement.This quality differentiates those who evolve fast from those who don’t.When you can calm yourself down, thinking about the dilemma that is causing you pain will bring you to a higher level and enlighten you, leading to progress.If when you are calm, you can think clearly about what things are at odds, you will learn more about what reality is like and how to better deal with it.It really will produce progress.Pain + Reflection = Progress.We must bring mistakes into the open and analyze them objectively, so managers need to foster a culture that makes this normal and penalizes suppressing or covering up mistakes.Highlighting them, diagnosing them, thinking about what should be done differently in the future, and then adding that new knowledge to the